Wednesday, June 23, 2010

To Look in the mirror and like what you see...

Looking through magazines, all we see are these beautiful tall and slender women.  We see how cute their bodies look in the clothing and we begin to desire to look like them.  Now as you're on the tread mill, you have that image in your mind, hoping to get your body to look like that body in the magazine.  But what we fail to realize is that we cannot always believe what we see.  Photos are retouched.  Models wear body shapers, push up bras, they can also tape their clothes in place.  No one is perfect but with the help of some products out there, we can always portray perfection.

As you should already know whether you are 125 lbs, 225 lbs, or 325 lbs, you are all beautiful.   We should not strive to be a certain size yet strive to be healthy.  Remember there is a such thing as being under weight and not all skinny people are healthy.

There are a few tricks that I want to share that will help to accentuate what you already have.  The first thing is make-up. Make-up can be used to enhance certain features of your face.  If you have a facial feature that you like the most, make the most of it.  I love my eyes so I make sure that I flatter them.  If you don't like make-up, start off with it being more natural.  For tips on applying make-up that looks natural, check out youtube.

The next trick is body shapers. My favorite body shaper is the Squeem Magical Lingerie. This is not the typical body shaper or girdle.  Once it's on, your waist is instantly smaller, showing off your beautiful curves.  With this particular body shaper, if you wear it daily you can lose up to 4 inches in one month.

I am always finding new ways to reinvent myself.  Wigs are a great way to do that and they are also a great go-to for bad hair days.  They are making them to look more like your own hair so you don't have to be embarrassed about wearing it because no one will know that you are wearing one.

Whatever you do, don't do something to make yourself  beautiful but do it to enhance your beauty.  If you don't think that you're beautiful no one else will.  Remember that you are beautiful and no one can beat you at being you!

Monday, May 31, 2010


As a child, as many could say, I was often made fun of because I was this skinny little black girl. Because of this, I hated being skinny and I hated being dark skinned. Every day I wished I could be light skinned. I could deal with being skinny but having to deal with this dark skin was a little harder to deal with. Going throughout life, I would get the "you look good to be dark skinned" insinuating that dark skinned people usually don't look good?!

Years went by and I would constantly compare myself to others wishing I looked like someone else or I would be better off if I were 5' 9'' instead of the 5' 4" that I am. Then when I packed on all this stomach fat from having my babies that I couldn't get rid of, I really hated myself. Finally something clicked in my brain. I was created in God's image and I am sure that God is the most beautiful creator and he only creates beautiful things. When God created man he said that is was not just good but very good. I took on that mentality and day by day I am overcoming this obstacle. Now I am able to look in the mirror and say to myself "whew I look fly!" I praise God everyday for finally being comfortable in my skin. We have the power to change our perspective in life. Life is really what we make it. If we make it depressing and meaningless then that is what we get but if we take advantage of every opportunity and chose to be happy then we are really able to enjoy life!!

From this day forward we must all do what we can to unveil our true beauty. Remember we are ALL beautifully and wonderfully made!!