Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Skincare Regimen For This Acne Prone Skin

Ok so if you are over 21 like me I bet you thought the days of acne were over right?  Well I was highly mistaken! Don't get me wrong, it's not nearly as bad as it used to be but if I skip a day of not using some type of product with benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid, my skin freaks out.  So I went on a search to find something more natural and not as harsh to use on my skin. It'll also help my pockets too ;-)

I found that there are products right in my pantry that would do the trick:

Oatmeal: It contains saponins, a cleansing agent so can be used as a facial cleanser.  It is really moisturizing and helps remove dead skin cells.  Oatmeal has anti-inflammatory properties and is perfect for most skin types, which is perfect for calming down active breakouts.  And of course it aids in treating acne, eczema, and rosacea!  

How I use it:  Just throw some in a blender then mix with a little water, gently rub into your face & let sit for a few minutes.  Then rinse with warm water.

Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda (as I like to call it :-)):  It soothes the skin while it gently cleanses and is great for cleaning pores and removing excess facial oil. It's great at exfoliating the skin. Baking soda for acne helps get rid of the acidic pH in which the acne bacteria thrive. 
How I use it:  Mix a tbsp with your favorite mild cleanser ( I use cetaphil), massage into your skin and rinse

Finally my favorite of them all is HONEY:  Honey's natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties help to protect the skin from the damage of the sun's rays, supports the skin's ability to rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin, leaving it feeling silky, soft, and supple.  Honey absorbs impurities from the pores on the skin, making it an ideal cleansing agent. The anti-microbial properties also make it great for getting rid of that dreaded acne bacteria.

How I use it:  Simply just put some in the palm of your hand rub together and then just massage your face with it!

I would love to know what you use to treat your acne! Please share! xoxo


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